January 30, 2017
Incredible Alaskan Frozen Bubble Photography!
15 Photos and Videos of Amazing Frozen Bubble Photography from Alaska and Beyond...
Despite being in Alaska my entire life and having been exposed to some extremely cold temperatures in that time, it never occurred to me to blow bubbles and see them freeze before my eyes! Sure, we've all seen (and likely many of you have done) the boiling water trick where you toss a pot of hot or boiling water into the air, seeing it instantly vaporize into a plume of white steam, but the frozen bubble photos takes cold weather photography to a whole new level. Much like the uniqueness of individual snowflakes, its seems that these bubbles freeze into unique patterns often resembling feathers or leaves, each being much different than the next, making frozen bubble photography mesmerizing! Some of these bubbles are actually freezing in mid-air, and some of the photographers are able to take advantage of the cold in another way, blowing a bubble on an object they choose, and having the bubble freeze after its placed, allowing them to take part of this Alaskan frozen bubble photography phenomenon. If you haven't tried it yet, see if you can replicate this on your own. While being equipped with professional grade camera gear and a macro lens can turn out some exceptional shots, you don't need to have that to capture some of these on your own. Blow some bubbles, do some testing to see where the photos my look best, and snap away with your mobile phone! Bundle up, have some fun, involve your kids if you have them, and see what pops up on your screen. If you're successful, we'd love to see the photos you post online. Tag us on Instagram @thealaskalife, Twitter @thealaskalife, or on Facebook! I did successfully complete this myself...and even snapped the photo with my phone, so it's definitely possible!


And Beyond:
Frozen Bubble Photography in Finland

I’ve tried this the bubble just turns grey. What bubble solution is being used?
Kris m
April 17, 2021
Visiting Fairbanks this month. Now I’ll have something to do with my grandson. Thanks! These are beautiful!
April 17, 2021
It looks like the majority of these shots are taken after blowing the bubble in place and then waiting for it to freeze into its final texture. Let us know how it turns out!
April 17, 2021
Okay I know these would freeze when you blew them, so was trying to figure out how you guys were shooting them. Thanks for the technique; will try some shots now. How fun is this?!?
Margie Schwartz
April 17, 2021