December 02, 2018
Great Alaska Earthquake Memes - 26 Memes to Make You Smile!
We like our great Alaska earthquake memes shaken, not stirred. Memes....a way for people to poke fun at each other, relate to each other, laugh together, and overall communicate in a way the internet hasn't seen until recently. Shortly after the 7.0 magnitude quake on November 30th, 2018, which caused damage to peoples homes, businesses and the surrounding communities, social media was flush with status updates, photos, videos, stories, and the like. What followed shortly thereafter were....memes. (If you are looking for more Great Alaska Earthquake Memes you can also check out Great Alaska Earthquake Memes 2.0 - More Is Better!) Shortly after the quake, of all the great Alaska earthquake memes, the following was probably the most spot on....
Followed by this one, my personal favorite of the great Alaska earthquake memes, which mirrored what almost everyone was thinking:
What was for breakfast? Oats...heavy on the quaker!
Once the dust settled and people realized that, largely, everything was OK, the great Alaska earthquake memes started flying off the shelves faster than the bottles of water at the grocery store and the gallons of gas from the pumps! The favorite category: Aftershocks!
Among the great Alaska earthquake memes with an aftershock theme were the typical 'yo mama' memes, a meme where it read we had a 'Salami Warning', a reminder that for some, their houses might not have been made much messier after the quake then before!
The roads...yeah, they were damaged. However, Alaskans are typically used to adverse road conditions, the presence of some decently impressive potholes, and the ever-present ruts in the highway caused from studded tires. This seemed like a ripe theme for some great Alaska earthquake memes as well.
A few really good great Alaska earthquake memes jumping on the 'Minnesota Drive' error from Fox news (see the video here) cropped up as well
I did talk to my kids after the quake and had asked them about earthquake drills. They indicated that they didn't do them routinely and only a handful of times in the years they've been going. I suspect they might be doing many more of these now!
Lastly, I think this meme sums it up humorously but also is a reminder at how lucky we got, overall, with this disaster. With how big the quake was, and how close in proximity it was to the largest population base in the state, we didn't suffer too badly. Nobody was killed, and only a few people have been reported as to even have been injured during the quake and the hundreds of follow-up quakes that we have endured since then. Earthquake preparedness likely needs to be higher on everyone's priority list after mother nature gave us this friendly reminder.
Published December 2, 2018. For even more Great Alaska Earthquake Memes check out: GREAT ALASKA EARTHQUAKE MEMES 2.0