A Summer Job at Site Summit in 1972
Site Summit: Summer Job in 1972
Washing dishes, scrubbing floors and racing cars at a Cold War missile defense site in 1972
by Michael Hankins
It’s not often a person is able to take the mundane job of washing dishes and write about it. My 6-month dish washing stint was much different than scrubbing pots and pans at a local diner. I was employed at Site Summit, a high-security Army installation 12 miles from the heart of Anchorage. From my vantage point on clear days I’d see not only the city, but Sleeping Lady, Redoubt Volcano, and Mt. Denali. Several hundred feet below my stainless-steel sink nuclear warhead missiles were ready to launch.

One morning I yelled, “Ten Hup!” just for kicks. The two soldiers couldn’t stomp their smokes out fast enough while clambering out the door.
There were two security gates on the mountain. One was on the main road where I had to stop and check in. The other gate was at the control and launch areas. Two fences separated this second gate from the road. I was told more than once that should an unauthorized person ever breach the fence, they’d be shot on sight. I suppose manning checkpoints was probably the most boring of all military jobs. Security dogs were also used. On occasion I’d see handlers walking German shepherds on leashes.

The pay was lousy, yet the visual sights were something that can never be equaled working at Burger King or McDonald's.
I remained on Site Summit until the first snow. Seeing it was going to be tough going up and down the hill I turned in my resignation. Soldiers told me it wasn’t unusual for workers to be trapped on the mountain during a storm. That didn’t sound like something I wanted any part of. In September I started automotive technology classes at Anchorage Community College. I often think back to working on that mountain. In six short months I'd created memories unobtainable anywhere else. Some of my former classmates worked fast-food right out of high school. I feel blessed in having washed dishes in perhaps the most scenic of all Alaska locations. The pay was lousy, yet the visual sights were something that can never be equaled working at Burger King or McDonald's.

If you enjoyed this article, check out "Growing Up In An Alaskan Village."
We were staying with a friend in Anchorage, June 2019 and he took us up to the site for dinner and a tour. We met Greg Durocher on the tour and heard about his experiences at the site when he was much younger.
It was very interesting, as I grew up during the Cold War and missile crisis when you were told how to hide under your desk in case of attack and that we should not eat any snow because it had fallout in it. As kids, we didn’t understand what that meant, and I remember eating snow anyhow.
The site had decayed and been destroyed quite a bit by the time we made our visit in June 2019, it was terrible to see such a monument to the Cold War, left to the elements and disrepair. I got the sense of the historical value of the site and to see how little was left is a shame that it can’t be preserved.
With all the money this government wastes on worthless causes and foreign aid, I can’t believe they couldn’t set aside enough money to restore and maintain such a historic site that had such a huge impact on the United States, as well as the rest of the world in a tumultuous time during an undeclared war that we had with the Soviet Union for all those years.
Nice story, I was stationed on site summet the last three years it was operational.I was the section chief of Alpha section. the first missile bunker as you pass through the gate. We shut it down in 1979.
Hey Greg,
Old memories of b battery.
Enjoyed the post too.
Fun to read! My Dad (his company, Northern Redi-Mix) poured the Nike Sites around Eielson in Fairbanks. He was out the night Sputnik went overhead and said ‘We all felt so vulnerable that the Soviets had put something up over our heads…’ I remember being up at Arctic Valley in 1970 – 73. :)
Bull Shit , Anchorage was in No Fire Zone , Missles would not launch or detonate in a No Fire Zone .
Thank you for this story and the photos!!! It brought back many good memories and more than a little awe looking back at the enormity of the situations we lived among. Our family was at Ft. Richardson from 1968-1971 and then lived off post in 1972. While living at Ft. Rich, we had a toothpaste green Opel Kadette with all original German instrumentation (my father sold it before he left Alaska…could it be the same one!?!) We went on a tour or two of Battery B and Site Summit and were shockingly aware of what it all meant. During my last 2 years at Dimond High School, I worked at the McDonalds on Fireweed and can definitely verify we had none of the great views you had from atop your perch.
seems like the whole army changed as I was getting out. I mean the day I was getting out. Civilian KP’s , let your hair grow, women doing man stuff. There were 4 batteries in the area , A battr, behind Anch airport, B battr, on the summit, C battr the end of knik goose bay rd, D battr was on Fire Island. All were obsolete , just a visual threat.I was at C battr, 1969 to 1972.Had more KP than anyone , but never got busted!
This was worth the re-read! Have you been in any further contact with anyone from Friends of Nike Site Summit (fonss2007@gmail.com)? Have you been on one of our tours?
Greg Durocher
Director, Friends of Nike Site Summit
Don, You got it right.
Bill, was that a tour of Site Summit or Site Point (Kincaid Park)?
Had the old Nike sites up and around Eielson AFB too. Also had one at Cottonwood Butte, ID where I grew up. Hazmat sites, all. My stepdad was one of several people to strip the Butte site of its wiring for copper and cash.
Great story. Keep your stories coming.
Mr. Chance got most of it wrong. Missile range more than double his figure; warhead power rating maybe half. Many measures and safeguards in place to prevent detonation over populated areas. And killing civilians in population centers to protect military installations wouldn’t make much sense when the installations butt right up against the towns. The Nike Hercules was meant to pick off bandits that slipped through the Air Force fighter/interceptor net— also, it afforded the ground commander a super-long range artillery projectile with nuclear capability and pinpoint accuracy.
My Dimond high school electronics class taught by Walt Kephart took a tour of the active Nike site in 1967.
Great memory.
Great article Mike, an interesting way to spend the summer. I remember those days driving up and down the washboard road to ski at Arctic Valley. At the higher ski areas you could look down and across the valley and view the Nike site and the guards with their dogs patrolling the perimeter. It was impressive.
Another great story Mike, well done!!
Please contact us at fonss2007@gmail.com
Thank you Marissa! I’m the resident pot and pan scrubber in our house. My wife tells friends, “They taught him well!”
Yes, I do have more. Will contact them and arrange to send.
Did you ever wash another dish again? Great story!
If I remember correctly that 68 Charger won quite a few races around town. Interesting story Mike.
The people who are trying to restore Site Summit, B Battery, want to know if you have any more photos they can use to guide the restoration, especially interior art work.
Just for some perspective about those romantic times; the Nike-Hercules was an anti-aircraft missile designed to destroy approaching bomber formations. Its maximum effective range was about 40 miles but the targeters preferred about 25 miles for maximum effectiveness. It was armed with, usually, a 40 kiloton nuclear weapon, which would have detonated somewhere around 30 – 40 Thousand feet above the Anchorage area and somewhere around 25 miles or less away. Depending on the precise situation there would have been significant kinetic damage on the ground in the Anchorage area, a massive and deadly burst of nuclear radiation, and an electromagnetic pulse that would have destroyed the electrical grid and many other things that were sensitive to bursts of electrical energy. Some significant percentage of the inhabitants of Anchorage would have died fairly quickly from radiation poisoning and many, many more over time from radiation induced cancers. In other words, the US was willing to kill most Alaskans in and around Anchorage and Fairbanks to preserve its physical military assets here and to protect the Lower 48 from Soviet bomber attacks.
If anyone is interested, I wrote an article about Alaska’s NIKE sites. The title is “Alaska’s Cold War Nuclear Shield”. It can be found on the Friends of Nike Site Summit website. NikeSiteSummit.Net.
Between 75-77 I drove up there constantly. Pretty much used the same Motor Pool vehicle, a 73 Chevelle R 904. I had to go to all three of the line batteries to work on the radios. Sometimes I just had to be the driver for the Battalion Comander or the AADCP Commander. I remember once I had the Battalion Commander with me in the winter. Went around a tight switchback and up a steep hill. The vehicle slowed and then started sliding backwards. A scary moment for us both