May 08, 2017
17 Incredible Alaska Field Trips Many Kids Took And Will Love Even More Now
Alaska Field Trips That Are Even Better To Enjoy Now
By: Courtney Dowd-Stanley
Alaska field trips offer kids such unique experiences that they are truly impossible to forget. So we decided to take a walk down memory lane to fill Alaskans with a major dose of nostalgia. These adventure destinations have made many kids, past and present, excited about getting out of the classroom for the day. But these field trips are not just for kids—whether you’re a visitor, an adult reliving childhood moments, or an Alaskan who missed out on one of these excursions as a kid, we’re certain that everyone will love visiting these awesome places.
1 – China Poot Bay was a muddy, beachy, sandy and salmon(y) adventure as a kid. Today it’s still a recreational paradise.

2 – Anchorage is a big city adventure when you’re a rural kid seeing highways, bridges, and skyscrapers for the first time.

3 – Alaska Railroad trips were a theatrical thrill as a kid. Today, it’s a welcomed weekend escape that allows you to sit back, relax and soak in the beauty of Alaska.

4 – Eagle River Nature Center is still an outdoor haven where you can enjoy hiking, skiing, wildlife viewing and more.

5 – Alaska Sealife Center offers a scenic trip down to Seward, with brilliant marine life to explore once you arrive. The exhibits are fascinating!

6 – The Imaginarium Science Discovery Center is a place to enjoy art, history, and science, with the most incredible exhibits ever! Today it’s located in the downtown Anchorage Museum.

7 – Akhiok rural field trip getaways were the highlight of any kid growing up on Alaska’s Emerald Island of Kodiak.

8 – Alaska State Museum is filled with artifacts and exhibits that will captivate you. Visiting the capital city of Juneau can be a great educational experience.

9 – The Alaska Zoo in Anchorage features adorable animals and offers loads of fun for all ages.

10 – Clam Gulch was a clam digging paradise back in the day, but today the scenic shores offer plentiful beachcombing opportunities to keep you happy as a clam.

11 – Exploring the enchanting exhibits and remarkable scenery at the Denali Visitor Center.

12 – Hiking in Hatcher Pass, with a visit to the Independence Mine State Historical Park.

13 – Cruising in Prince William Sound or the Kenai Fjords National Park with Major Marine Tours.

14 – A trip to a local sled dog kennel was an interactive way to learn about dog mushing, the official state sport of Alaska.

15 – Westchester Lagoon is a delightful little nature escape located right within the Anchorage city limits. On a clear day the views overlooking Mount Susitna (Sleeping Lady) in the distance are outstanding.

16 – Learning about wetlands and vegetation at Fish Lake on the joint Elmendorf-Richardson military base.

17 – The Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center in Portage is a larger-than-life experience for kids, but we guarantee adults will love it too!

Looking for more where that came from? Check out these 21 cringe-worthy Alaska life moments or this article about the famous people of Alaska, with many names that’ll surprise you. If you are living and loving The Alaska Life – share your adventures with us on our Facebook page HERE, and they might just end up getting featured in one of our next blog posts.
Written by Courtney Dowd-Stanley
The State fish hatchery in Anchorage is a great field trip. Informative, fun, lots of exhibits and beautiful public art, and free.
thomas e crowley
April 17, 2021
Musk ox farm and matanuska dairy farm
April 17, 2021
We did Sea Week in Juneau in the late 60’s and 70’s, used to love that. It included all kinds of beach field trips and more. Spring on the. beach in S.E. Ak. is teaming with life, what a great memory. Don’t know if they still do it, hope they do.
Cynthia Jacobson
April 17, 2021